Wednesday, April 15, 2015

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Mayan Gods

The ancient Maya had over 150 Gods in their complex religion, each with clearly defined characteristics and purposes. Here’s the list of the top five Mayan Gods of all time:

1. Itzamn (or Zamn )

Itzamn, the big cheese overall and lord of the heavens as well as night and day, could be called upon in hard times or calamities. Who says nice guys finish last? Itzamn was always benevolent.

2. Chac

Although second in power, Chac was first in importance as the god of rain, and by association, the weather and fertility. Ah Mun was the corn god and the god of agriculture. He was always represented as a youth, often with a corn ear headdress.

3. Ah Mun

Ah Mun was the corn god and the god of agriculture. He was always represented as a youth, often with a corn ear headdress.

4. Ah Puch

The god of death, ruled over the ninth and lowest of the Maya underworlds. He was always malevolent.

5. Ek Chuah

Ek was the god of war, human sacrifice, and violent death. Not the kind of god you’d want to meet in person.
In addition to these, there were patron gods, 13 of the upper world and nine of the lower, plus numerous calendar gods who posed for glyphs. Other deities, such as Kukulcan and Chac Mool, came into the line-up as the society changed in Post Classic times. The religious hierarchy became so bewildering that it was beyond the comprehension of the average Maya, who relied on priests to interpret the religion (so what’s new?). To the common man, who lives or dies by the cycle of rain and drought, Chac remains the god most frequently involved in daily life. also has their 3 favorite Mayan Gods:

1. Acan

The God of Wine.

2. Ix- Chel

Moon goddess of midwifery, fertility and medicine.

3. Xaman Ek

God of travelers.

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