Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mayan warfare

Maya warfare involved well-documented types of violence: wars among separate kingdoms; attempts of cities within a kingdom to secede by revolting against the capital; and civil wars resulting from frequent violent attempts by would-be kings to usurp the throne. The affiliation of several cities changed with time, being the Naachtún case the most dramatic, the city's geographic location, between Tikal and Calakmul, served even for "Peace Talking" between these Classic "superpowers",  All of these events were described or depicted on monuments, because they involved kings and nobles. Not considered worthy of description, but probably even more frequent, were fights between commoners over land, as overpopulation became excessive and land became scarce. The god Bolon Yookte' K'uh is associated with War and Xibalbá, and is the one that will descend on the end of this 5Th. Maya Era, (Dec 21, 2012), he is depicted in the 7 and 11 gods Vases from Naranjo. For description of the wars in the Petexbatún area. See Maya Collapse.


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